Best prices for the highest quality.

We will be glad to work with you. We’ve been tested and trusted by many universities across the globe for over 14 years.

We accept payment in pounds sterling (£/GBP), Naira (₦/NGN), dollars ($/USD) and euros (€/EUR). To pay in dollars, ask for the dollar account.

To perform your data analysis, we will need the following:

  • The objective of the paper.
  • The introduction of the paper or a short description of the study.
  • The research methodology that you want to use to achieve the research objective.
  • The data (preferably in Excel Format) either primary or secondary data.
  • Preferred statistical software, if any.
  • Any information on how you want the data analysis to be presented.
  • Any references to previously published papers.

WD = Working Days

WC = Word count

NB: We will only start counting the working days after we confirm your full payment.

The cost of drafting the questionnaire is ₦30,000 (5WD).

Prices of Unplagiarized Chapter Four;

Chapter 4 (2,500WC) is 104,500 (11WD)

Chapter 4 (3,000WC) is 119,400 (13WD)

Chapter 4 (3,500WC) is 134,300 (15WD)

Chapter 4 (4,000WC) is 149,200 (18WD)

Chapter 4 (5,000WC) is 179,000 (22WD)

Chapter 4 (5,500WC) is 193,900 (24WD)

What we will deliver to you:
Statistical analysis, summary report, and interpretation.
Appendix: The raw data analysis output from the software.


  • After delivering the work, we will only be responsible for editing or correcting the work once.
  • Any corrections that involve performing additional analysis will be considered another contract and will be paid for by the client.
  • Every additional word to the stipulated word count of each package will be charged at the assignment rate (₦29.8 per word), and the delivery day will also increase.
  • Payment for each package is made once before the work commences.
  • There will be an additional charge for every express delivery (rush service). The additional fee is calculated by adding the percentage of the number of working days you want to remove from the normal days the work should be delivered over the predetermined number of days it ought to be delivered. This means if the work is meant to be delivered in 20 working days and you want it delivered in 12 working days, you will be charged an extra 0.4% (20-12=8, 8/20=0.4) of the price.
  • We do not sort data for clients or help clients to fill or administer questionnaires, irrespective of their choice of package.

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