
You and your business need the service of DSK STATISTICAL CONSULT LTD.

Understanding the market is the key to any successful business, but there are many different ways to ultimately gain that market intelligence.

At DSK Consult Ltd., we design experiments for new products, conduct focus groups and sample surveys to gather customer feedback, and perform field experiments in test markets to determine produce viability and marketability.

Due to the breadth of our skills and experience, we undertake many services that increases the profitability of business/organisations like yours. Your business/organisation need us for your;

Δ Survey/Questionnaire Design: There is no point in wasting your resources in drafting your questionnaire yourself if it will not achieve your goal of doing so. Questionnaire is not just about knowing the right questions to ask, there is a skillful way of asking.

Whether your survey is face to face or online, we have the knowledge and experience to deliver meaningful results. Let’s structure your questionnaire for you, we will ensure that your questionnaire is designed to extract the maximum information from the minimum amount of data so you can make better decisions about your business.

Δ Data Management Template: your business ought to have a template for collecting and storing the data of your clients/customers, it is a vital tool in building business that will survive in the market. The data you gather can be used to improve the way you plan and monitor your business.

Δ Customer Analytics: Don’t waste your data, let’s use the date you already gathered from your customers to identify the key insights needed for actionable decision making using both segmentation analysis and key drivers modelling. You deserve more profit, we will focus on your customers’ behavior; what they are doing. Stop beating the air, let’s help you hit the nail on the head.

Δ Statistical Training Courses: do you have member(s) of staff or team that need to develop their statistical thinking and data analysis skills? We can run tailor-made courses based on your own data and problems on your premises.

Don’t you think if you know more about Microsoft Excel it will improve your productivity? We can help you increase your efficiency at work with hands-on training of statistical softwares like SAS, SPSS, EViews, R, Minitab, Python, MS Azure ML studio, STATA, Gretl, etc

The list is too long to be itemised here but does include;
Δ Financial Analysis
Δ SWOT Analysis
Δ Market Intelligence
Δ SPC (Statistical Process Control)
Δ Recruitment Consultancy for Statistical Roles
Δ Predictive Analytics
Δ Stochastic model for insurance companies
Δ Data Mining
Δ Data Management
Δ Market Research

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WHATSAPP: 08034876617
MAIL: info@consultdsk.org | consultdsk@gmail.com
VISIT: consultdsk.org
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