Research Proposal Price Calculator
Select your preferred currency, enter the word count, and click “Calculate Price”. The calculator will provide the total price, number of working days, and delivery date.
NB: The fee covers relevant corrections to the research proposal. However, any change to the topic, variables, or structure/template is considered another contract and will be paid for in full by the client.
Whatever we deliver to you is your property, and you have the right to add, remove, or modify it by any means. Anything you think can make the work better can be included by you.
- Payment for research proposal is 100% before the commencement of the work.
- You will need to fill out an online form after confirming your payment. The form will be used to create a folder for you to avoid mixups.
- The date of payment determines the delivery date. We start counting the date from the day we confirm the payment if the payment comes in before 12 noon.
- When the term of reference changes (word count, date of delivery, etc), the price changes too
- For any research proposal that involves data analysis, the cost for performing each objective or statistical technique (such as Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis, ANOVA, Chi-Square Test, etc.) is set at a minimum of ₦30,000 at 3 working days. And this will be in addition to the price and working days of the assignment.
- For any research proposal that involves drafting of questionnaire/survey questions, the price of drafting the questionnaire is ₦30,000 at 5 working days.
- The price does not include the preliminary pages, such as the title page, abstract/executive summary, table of contents, etc.
- There will be an additional charge for every express delivery (rush service). Use this calculator to calculate expedited service (express delivery).
- We do excellent work; we do not sell a complete project; we develop research afresh. We are the company you can trust.
- We do not sort data for clients or help clients fill or administer questionnaires, irrespective of their choice of package.